
The cloister

The cloister

Interior design

From the parish of the Holy Eucharistic Heart of Cardito, in the province of Naples, we are required to redefine in architectural terms the cloister, a place of contemplation, meditation and prayer.
Before the work, it was completely devoid of any architectural character, pillars, that defined the courtyard, did not show any alignment with the front above them, there was no type of flooring.
Therefore, with the project tried to restore order to the place; inserting same dummy pillars tried to give poise to internal fronts.
Then, from the idea of the centrality, that a cloister in a religious complex must has, derived the design of the flooring; a large flower with 8 petals.
Same benches with flower boxes were placed in bigger 4 petals, just in correspondence of the 4 corners of the square.
The center of the cloister is enhanced, not only by the flooring, but also by the inclusion of another symbolic element, "the pit".
For the realization we used simple materials.
The project returned to the parish the "cloister", that must be understood not only as a place of contemplation, meditation and prayer, but also as a place for recreational and social activities.
