
Acquire a living space through THE LOFT

Acquire a living space through THE LOFT

Interior design

Restore an house in historic buildings is not easy. Often in beautiful buildings of the old town, in an attempt to rearrange the living spaces in a functional and better suited to modern life, you encounter the rigidity dictated by old plants typological of these buildings (large adjoining rooms) and not least with the difficulties arising from the structural (load-bearing masonry). Frequently, in these situations, the height of the relevant plans provides the solution to the problem: "THE LOFT". And 'the case of this small apartment in the historic center of Naples where a young family decided to live On the scheme from which it has developed one of the two solutions (Solution A), it highlights the need to loft the central area of the apartment in order to get another environment to use as a studio or bedroom. In the solution B instead is expected to loft of the first environment, achieving the same way an apartment practical and functional, especially suited to the modern needs of the young family, through the use of "LOFT".
