
“La Memoria d’acciaio” at the Maschio Angioi

“La Memoria d’acciaio” at the Maschio Angioi

Until March 26 will be hosted at the Maschio Angioino, "La Memoria d'acciaio", an important documentary exhibition devoted to the history of the Italsider, the largest southern industry, closed now from several decades and whose ruins still dominate the landscape of the waterfront of Bagnoli.
The exhibition is divided into three sections ("la fabbrica illustrata", "la fabbrica dipinta" and "la fabbrica fotografica") consisting of descriptive panels, paintings and lithographs by artists-workers and a large photographic documentation, taken from the archive of ILVA, so that a complete picture of the history of this industry is offered to you and the complex relationship with the neighborhood, in which they arise, is clearly described.
