
“ Barcelona 3d”

“ Barcelona 3d”

From the collaboration between the Institute of Informatics of the Municipality of Barcelona and Barcelona Media Research Center was created "Barcelona 3d, three-dimensional interface to navigate through the ramblas and to occur at many different levels of information about the city, through the graphic simulations made with the same techniques used by game and developed by experts in the Laboratorio de Visualizacion Virtual (LV2).
The project, as shown in Zaragoza at the Tecnimap 2010, XI Days on Information Technology for the modernization of government, provides for the installation of modern information points with touchcsreen from which, through the network of the municipality, can be found the information about 72,000 particles, its cadastral data and the history of the monuments, even allowing to enter buildings.
So, the citizen has an immediate tool of knowledge of the state of the places and administration has a more effective method of analysis and control of future changes in the city. In addition, the constant updating of quantity and quality of information contained in it, not only totally changes the methods of urban planning, but makes the system open to endless applications.
