
Save the Royal Site of Carditello

Save the Royal Site of Carditello

The court in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, as official receiver, fixed in October the hearing to sell by auction for € 25 ml of the Carditello Real Site, by a student of Vanvitelli, Francesco Collencini, made near the urban agglomeration of San Tammaro (EC) for the will of Charles III of Bourbon as a real defense in 1744 and later expanded to become in the Kingdom an important pole of economic development, reaching in 1833 an area of 2,030 Ha. The state of total abandonment, in which the estate currently pays, would require a complex system of interventions, which does not justify the decision to remove from the public use a territorial resource of great value, allowing its privatization at a price so low, and creating a dangerous precedent, moreover. The fact does not left unmoved the many territorial associations, promoting a campaign, that we support, and invite you to join by clicking on
