
Reforming public works to reduce corruption
The quality of public works and its implementation process as a means of fighting corruption.
Recent news events have brought to the fore the issue of corruption in procurement and public spending. The question is not the product of an "Italian suit" but rather the sign of an obvious disease an increasingly commodified, where the only "value" is appreciated financial wealth! Issues are exquisitely Italian recipes that are proposed for the treatment of this planetary evil. Certainly increased penalties is useful thing, even better strengthening the powers of the state of reacquisition of the proceeds of corruption, the "loot" would say Renzi; But these measures alone are inadequate compared to the size of the problem and the intolerable burden that takes in the dynamic economic and therefore social country. Measures are deficient because they are linked to the examination of the phenomenon now already consumed.
What to do? The answer may be simple: to radically change the rules on procurement; today they are incomprehensible to anyone who is not a super expert on the subject. It can intervene in six directions: reduction and simplification of the rules on procurement; standardization of procedures; identification of sole responsibility in a single entity that responds personally in every respect (administrative, civil and criminal) of the whole process of implementation of a public contract; full and continuous involvement of the person who designed the work or intervention from the concept phase to the implementation phase until the entry into service with the same weight of the technical responsibilities and related aspects of civil and criminal matters; transparency of all stages of the administrative procedure; public reporting continues (step by step) the compliance of the work or intervention to predetermined objectives, the parameters of cost, at the time of realization and any other element that might diminish the usefulness of the work or intervention.
The reasons find themselves struggling to understand why, despite more than two decades, after Tangentopoli and clean hands, after review of all regulations of public procurement with the Merloni law of 1994, the number of contracts in 2006, and finally the new implementing regulation of 2010, and an incessant process of law-making in public procurement corruption continues unabated, indeed takes on more and more a structural aspect of the economic dynamics of the country; almost a subculture linked to the need to make money. it is accepted by the business world as "inevitable phenomenon", a "side effect" to which no one can escape. An indispensable tool to continue to stay in the Italian market. Conversely, some public officials (whether they belong to the political leadership or, increasingly inextricably linked) consider it normal to use their position for their personal good instead of Collective Well, the public, fueling corruption as normal practice in transforming a production cost!
If rileggessimo chronicles the first 90 years we could superimpose the current ones almost perfectly, with one major difference: instead of the party system today we find many subsystems much more closely linked to the local territory and so much more subtle and pernicious; real new mafias, often tied by bonds of mutual instrumentality with organized crime which, in some areas of the country, is the holder of a significant slice of the local economy.
The investigation clearly shows that Roman, through what could be called an exchange territorial cartels criminals try to penetrate other territories in search of a mimesis often managed with a healthy entrepreneurial.
Compared to such a state of affairs it is clear that the measures can not be only punitive; it is clear that the game is likely to be lost from the start given the disproportion of forces.
We want to point to the transformation of the implementation process by which a monad incomprehensible must be transformed into a crystal building where anyone who has an interest can understand without mediation the state of things.
The essential function of the control will not be limited to a small circle but of every citizen, because everyone will be able to figure out by reading simple data say elementary.
All'indistinto jumble of responsibilities will replace specific subjects easily identifiable with specific responsibilities with specific decision-making power.
In the coming weeks we will try to deal with specific items each aspect here just hatched.