
Three proposals for Naples
At this time of the end consiliatura (it is missing now little more than a year the natural expiry of the mandate of the mayor) is necessary to intervene with specific programs that they can at least have a concrete start. A year is a time dimension administratively paltry but sufficient to engage and trigger virtuous processes of change of the status quo.Tre operational proposals:
1. Definition of the Detailed Landscape Plan of Coast from Nisida to Molosiglio;
2. New stage in the area of the barracks;
3. Transformation of the land register in the real estate registry office.
Landscape Plan Detailed Costa from Nisida to Molosiglio
The preparation of this implementation tool to landscape character is essential for the development of the city in its most significant. It is being studied for years without ever arriving at a suitable formalization to be brought to the approval of the competent decision-making bodies. It is related:
a. The arrangement of the waterfront with all related activities, bathing beaches, chalets, development of the pier Mergellina, Rotonda Diaz, mooring (permanent and seasonal);
b. The enhancement of the Villa Comunale, the possible pedestrianization of the whole wide Sermoneta via Nazario Sauro, with the creation of the necessary infrastructure of parking, the dislocation of traffic on the main internal (Via Mergellina, Viale Gramsci, Via Piedigrotta, via Giordano Bruno , the Riviera di Chiaia, via Arcoleo, via Chiatamone Via Orsini) the infrastructure for leisure and loisir of the entire area currently used as road;
c. The coordinated development of outlets (bars, restaurants, beaches, plants heliotherapeutic) to restore the maritime resources to the city, and create new jobs.
New stadium in the area of the barracks
The stadium for the Soccer Napoli is a theme that recurs each semester beginning and end of the Championship has long been in a cyclical manner. The discussion, however, always starts from the San Paolo: conversion, enhancement, transformation! But if we try to think we realize that these proposals are in some ways impossible. First, from a organizational point of view. The work that should be of interest to the San Paolo are radicals and provide a systematic reconstruction of the stands and the inner area. They are incompatible with the holding of sporting events, the model Udine in this case is not feasible. But even if we gave feasible for the execution of the works in progress of sports practice, the solution identically St. Paul does not seem consistent because: ° The location in the heart of the City brings an increase in traffic inconsistent with the urban structure; II integrative functions and the complementary functions (residences and additional offices) would aggravate the situation of deficit of public services; mobility system; III the administrative procedure is set up as an urban variant far from obvious.
On the contrary if we imagine to place the stage in the barracks of Miano-Secondigliano effects are only positive, the project is self-financing with space requirements already provided for and indicated by the PRG, then no change in the planning instrument. But we list the benefits:
a. The location is ideal: at the northwestern edge of the city, served by Primary Roads, from 2 subway lines with stations in the vicinity, 5 minutes from the airport;
b. The development of the stadium and urban components provided by PRG, concentrated in Secondigliano, are a major factor of urban redevelopment of the whole area with the creation of an urban center that lives 7 days out of 7 as it happens in major European stadiums, helping to redefine the role of a part of the city now known only as slums with phenomena of social deviance very strong;
c. The presence of volumes provided by PRG enables you to activate the program of urban renewal linked to the stage with total private capital with the instrument of project finance.
d. The possibility of using the existing urban forecasts lets take immediate course activities;
e. Build a new stadium at the same time it allows to redevelop the San Paolo to return it to the other team sports, athletics and the performances of large mass (concerts), completing the integration of the center for leisure and sport with the redevelopment of the Mostra d 'overseas dell'Edenlandia and the dog track, until you get to the zoo and the pool Scandone of the sports hall, in order to reconstitute a central Naples, also in view of the application to the Italian Olympic Games of 2020.
Transformation of the land register at the registry estate
This action for the uninitiated may seem difficult to understand. It, on the contrary, can be of great incisiveness and with reference to the professional market that the housing market so-called "minor" that is connected to maintenance and conversion of existing buildings, the subject of constant laws aimed at simplification but hard to bear fruit.
Switch from real estate cadastre anagrafe allows to achieve a certification undisputed and indisputable of existing buildings, therefore registry. A recognition that allows two-way to finally give way to all those practices that today are simplified uncertainties precisely in relation to the qualification of the existing creating problems for citizens, to health professionals, and the public administration with the constant frustration of the simplification of procedures undertaken with laws of the state and / or region. Briefly we list the advantages:
a. Determination of a basic state certified real estate (land and buildings) with apparent elimination of litigation potentially elapsing between citizens owners of real estate and the PA with benefits not only for construction but also the procedures for local taxes and public services rate, achieving greater equity will be possible to envisage a reduction of taxes and tariffs;
b. Immediate access to simplified procedures for the maintenance and the transformation of existing assets without doubts and uncertainties on existing;
c. Unlocking construction activities professional, business essential condition for a revival of the city economy and consumption;
d. Reduction of activities of the administration on control with a strengthening of the role and responsibility of the persons concerned and to the process of certification of the Registry at subsequent stages of transformation of existing assets;
e. Simplifying the implementation of policies related to the upgrading of the existing building;
f. Greater protection for the assets of cultural, artistic, historical and anthropological which can be laid out right in being certified registry of properties.